Pitch Pine Trail

A daring move on the part of Rosealia and Shade Slayer caused them to leave their lives as wolves of Willow Ridge with the hopes of raising a new pack. Their daring move was no one other than mating, and Rosealia conceiving children to raise as lone wolves if they failed to rise up to the challenge. So it started, finding a nice and quiet place in red Fern Forest was all but a breeze, as Shade left to go out on an adventure for wolves to be his and Rose’s subordinates. He found in the depths of the Wildwood, Ace Caravello looking for his sister. With the promise that he would join them as soon as he found his sister, the search started for more members and they departed ways, giving Ace little more than a description as to where to go. Once again, he ran into Hotei Tainn and Capella Destae, after scaring off Hotei, a subordinate of the pack who was out for his guts, or at least making him leave, Capella swore that she would stay with them, and they headed back to the forest knowing Rosealia would soon deliver.

Upon arrival, Shade’s heart broke to find that Rosealia was no longer there, the scents long faded, but still, Shade had never given up hope. He searched for her, and while she was delivering, Capella and Shade found her in Spectral Woods and she had delivered two fine children, Karpos Slayer and Adsila Slayer, but the venture was not over yet. Rosealia then disappeared with no word and leaving her children behind. Shade wished to go on with their plans to create the pack and in his desperation for his children's survival, he recruited Anastasia Starklen and Lachesis upon her agreement to help.After a short meeting with Capella and Ace, they determined there was already another pack in the area and Capella searched for a new place. They found it, and with Ana nursing the children, they headed off towards a new adventure. They traveled through the Umbra Copse and into Dragonfly Fen where they claimed their home after a long and tiring adventure.

  • Capella Destae

    "We have to make the best of the hands we have been delt, and make sure we don't fold too soon."
    Favorite Thread
  • Karpos

    "Don't judge a thing until you know what's inside it."
    Favorite Thread
  • Shade

    "Watch your back, or lose some fur."
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